More than one in eight people in the world lack access to safe drinking water. In Uganda, that translates to 11 million people, especially young children, that are in serious risk of death from water-borne disease due to poor water and sanitation conditions.
Embrace Uganda has constructed four wells in Koreng, a community in Eastern Uganda. The first well was constructed at Kadacar Primary School near Koreng. This well serves the more than 600 children that attend the school as well as the surrounding community. At times, during the dry season especially (when other wells go dry), some Ugandans walk up to six kilometers to retrieve water from this location. School attendance and retention have increased due to a water supply on the school premises. Previously, students would either not attend or leave early due to the lack of availability of water at the school. The PTA at the school took it upon themselves to establish a water management committee that periodically collects a small fee from the community to support future well repairs.
Embrace Uganda has also constructed three more wells in the Koreng Community and surrounding areas. These wells have been provided to serve the larger Koreng community. There was a well previously at Koreng Primary School but it does not provide an adequate supply of water to provide the surrounding community. This well serves over 600 people in the surrounding area. With a partnership from the Rotary Clubs of Wake Forest and the larger Triangle area, many people now have access to clean water.
Water brings hope. When a well is installed for a village, children stay in school. With less sickness, women and men are more productive. Fields are watered and crops grow, producing food for the community and in good times a surplus to sell.
Water represents life. Your giving will help Embrace Uganda identify other communities that need access to clean water, build new wells, and give the gift of life.