Virtual EU5K2020


Embrace Uganda holds our annual 5K every year in downtown Wake Forest that helps us fund multiple projects on the ground when our mission team travels there every June. This year our mission team was busy preparing to leave on June 12 to help our partners and the orphans and children we serve in Uganda to have better access to clean water, medical care, and education. Every year our team works tirelessly to raise funds, collect supplies, and pray over this very important time with the children in Uganda who have very little in comparison to the world we know here in America. The medical clinics, feeding of school children, assistance in education, building, distributing, and loving on those children will not happen this year. We know so many people have been impacted by COVID 19 this year and that we are not alone in our disappointment in postponing our mission, but hope we can still make an impact with the help of our amazing supporters and donors. Embrace Uganda will mark the weekend that our team was due to leave, but holding a virtual 5K to help our partners be able to assist these children to get the medical attention they need and the education that all children deserve. Please join us in helping to make this happen. You can make a difference in the lives so many with your donation or participation in this event. Thank you for helping us make an impact!!!

Event Date: Saturday, June 13, 2020
Event Location: Anywhere
Event Time: 8:00 am (or anytime)

There are several options to participate this year. We are looking for Sponsors (local businesses or individuals), register to Run/Walk during the event. This year, we have partnered again with Young & Associates to facilitate operations and timing for our event. Young & Associates provide timed and un-timed running events across North Carolina since 1981. You will have an opportunity to post your times and check the overall results here.

Run/Walk Registration -

Volunteer - Register at our Get Involved page.

Sponsorship - Your Name and/or Company Name will be displayed on our banner, t-shirt, and website. We have three levels (Gold $500, Silver $250, Bronze $125) both Gold and Silver sponsorship will keep your larger logo on the website for an an entire year or 6 months respectively! Please send your Logo artwork to

Young Assoc Logo



Certified and suggested route to run, but you can run your own route in your neighborhood