"We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." - Mother Teresa

October Mission 2024

Dear Friends,

As I prepare to embark on my second mission trip for this year, your help is much needed. Because of the overwhelming support that we received, I am happy to report that the mission trip in April was a success. After raising nearly $20,000 of our $30,000 goal, we were able to accomplish much of what we hoped for. The babies in Koreng received much needed medical care and treatment. We provided QuickBooks training for Peace, the young bookkeeper at the medical clinic, and helped her get setup to provide much needed financial reporting capability for the clinic. We delivered requested supplies and more to both Koreng and Kaihura and we purchased baby supplies while we were there. We also provided funding for batteries for the solar panels at the New Hope Resource Center, salaries for the teachers and the new roof for the new secondary school in Koreng. We are excited to see the work we began there continue.

Our team from Embrace Uganda will again be traveling to Uganda in October – a team of only two (2) people. I know from my experience that the Lord can do great things with small numbers.

During our time there, we will be working at one of the primary schools in Koreng (Kadacar) to assist the medical staff who will provide treatment for the children of which many have not seen a doctor in nearly 5 years, if at all. We will visit with the students at the Secondary school that is fairly new and help fund the salaries for their 12 teachers who manage to survive on a meager income of about $1,100 a year. In hopes of adding a new classroom next year, our goal is to also fund the roof that will be needed.

In Kaihura, the mommas at the Baby House are still in need of baby supplies and toys to improve the lives of the orphans that they care for. We plan to travel with as many supplies as possible. There is also a need for QuickBooks and virus protection software to improve the administration of the orphanage, school and medical clinic. My companion and I also hope to witness to [or share our testimonies with] some of the many amazing women in Kaihura (widows and single moms) about the amazing God we serve. We also hope to encourage the staff there who work so hard to provide for the needs of the children and the surrounding community. A new initiative on this trip to Kaihura is to support a ministry started by an HIV positive woman named Florence to support the needs of the many patients who are still dying too young from the complications and stigma of HIV. School supplies are always needed there, and we will try to travel with as much as we can fit in our checked bags. Please see the detailed list of the projects and the funding needed attached.

Not everyone has the time nor the calling to work in the mission fields, but everyone has a part to play. None of what I do would be possible without the help and generous monetary and non-monetary donations of supporters like you at home in the U.S. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord wants you to help meet the needs of the children and suffering people in Koreng and Kaihura. No matter how much or how little that you are moved to give, we trust that the Lord will supply every need according to His riches in glory.

You may make a tax-deductible donation by visiting https://embraceuganda.org/donate and selecting Mission Trips from the drop-down menu or by visiting https://onrealm.org/NewHopeMissiona/give/now and selecting Uganda Missions from the drop-down menu. You may also mail a check payable to Embrace Uganda or New Hope Missionary Baptist Church to PO Box 52266, Durham, NC 27717-2266.

Thank you in advance for your loving generosity and support.

Love and blessings,

Min. Cecelia Horton

Dr. Dirk and Paige Hamp, with others, founded Embrace Uganda in 2007 after their adoption of a seven-year-old orphan girl from the western village of Kaihura, Uganda. Visiting the country and witnessing the need for medical care, clean water supplies and funding needs for orphaned school children, Embrace Uganda was created to encourage and empower a generation of orphans one village at a time!

Our Goals

  • To create long term partnerships with selected Ugandan communities that go deeper rather than wider.
  • The ultimate goal is to create self-sufficiency for the communities but this will take generations to accomplish as the needs are so overwhelming.
  • Empower orphans and vulnerable children in targeted communities by providing educational opportunities, thereby increasing their ability to support themselves and meaningfully contribute back to their communities.

Our Objectives

  • Provide quality health care for orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Facilitate meaningful and enduring relationships with Ugandan orphans and vulnerable children in targeted communities.
  • Partner with or otherwise assist Ugandan community development organizations to accomplish mutual goals.
  • Provide material and human capital for the creation of sustainable economic development in targeted communities.

Thank You to our Mission 2024 Corporate Sponsors